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50.  What should you do if you are at cruising altitude and the fuel pressure for the engine drops below normal operating limits.  You cannot definitely determine what has caused the fuel pressure drop and you will be able to sustain safe flight on one engine.
[[circled]] a. [[/circled]]  Cut the engine immediately if the power is not necessary to sustain flight or to reach a safe destination.
b.  Surmise a fuel pump failure and utilize the electrical booster pump or cross feed system which ever is installed.

51.  What can be done to break a vapor lock in fuel system?
a.  Select another fuel tank for a minimum of two minutes.
[[circled]] b. [[/circled]]  Retard the throttle and place the fuel booster pump on.

52.  Describe procedure for operating both engines on the left auxiliary tank.  ^[[Both selectors to left Aux]]

53.  Maximum cylinder head temperature with mixture in auto lean is:
a.  250°C.
[[circled]] b. [[/circled]]  232°C.
c.  270°C.

[[underlined]] USE OF CHARTS [[/underlined]]

The following problems are to be solved using charts in the Appendix 1 of T.O. 1C-47B-1.

54.  Find the distance from start to take-off roll to clear a 50 foot obstacle on take-off with the following conditions:  Field elevation - 2030 feet, runway temperature -95°F, no runway slope, headwind - 12 knots, runwa is hard surfaced:  ^[[2100]] feet.  [[margin]] GROSS WT = 26000 [[/margin]]

55.  From the above problem, what would be the expected rate of climb (with gear up and prop feathered) assuming engine failure is experienced just after take-off:  ^[[300]] RPM.

56.  Find the fuel consumption when cruising at 9,000 feet (standard day) at 600 HP and gross weight of 24,500 pounds:  ^[[88]] gallon/hour.

57.  From the above problem, what indicated airspeed would be expected:  ^[[155]] MPH.

58.  Find the landing distance over a 50 foot height at field elevation 400 feet, landing gross weight - 22,000 pounds, runway - wet concrete:  ^[[2500]] Feet.  (use wet grass reference line)

59.  From the above problem, what should the touchdown speed be (full flaps used):  ^[[73]] MPH.