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b.  ^[[Gear lever DOWN]]
c.  ^[[Hyd hand pump - gear visual DN]]
d.  ^[[Gear latch lever pos. lock]]
e.  ^[[Gear level - Neutral]]
f.  ^[[Check lights]]
g.  ^[[Check horn]]

17.  Can a safe landing be made if the landing gear safety latch fails?
a.  Yes, provided the landing gear is completely down with the control handle in neutral.  Use brakes sparingly.
[[circled]] b. [[/circled]]  Yes, provided the landing gear is completely down and hydraulic pressure of 850 to 900 lbs is maintained.  The horn will continue to sound the red light will stay on.  Brakes should not be used on landing and pins should be inserted before leaving the runway.

18  In the event of a hydraulic line failure beyond the gear selector valve, can the gear be put down so a safe landing can be made?
a.  No, due to the inability to engage the safety down lock and the gear system pressure falling to zero.
[[circled]] b. [[/circled]]  Yes.  Place the gear lever down, do a series of dives and zooms to snap the gear down.  Return the gear handle to neutral as soon as it is certain the safety latches have engaged.  When the gear handle is returned to neutral the green lights will come on and it is safe to land.

19.  Is full braking action possible even when the landing gear is retracted?  ^[[checkmark]] [[circled]] Yes [[/circled]]  No

20.  List below the preliminary steps necessary before any "gear-up" emergency landing is attempted:
a.  ^[[Unlock emergency escape doors and hatches]]
b.  ^[[Pilot & co pilot - safety belt & shoulder harness]]
c.  ^[[Other crew remember sit on floor face aft back to bulkhead w. cushions behind head.]]
d.  ^[[Psgrs - safety belts]]
In addition to the above preliminary actions the following steps must be taken:
a.  ^[[Approach Normal]]
b.  ^[[Open fire ext. access doors before touchdown]]
c.  ^[[Wg flaps DOWN]]
d.  ^[[Throttles Close]]