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Bl. collared hawk *
Gr. ani  y-r cacique
bl. fr. nunbird
[[strikethough]]( [[/strikethough]] orange backed troupial [[strikethough]])[[/strikethrough]] *

pr silver beaked tanager ([[?]] dark w/ silver beak)
canary winged parakeets
(pygmy kingf)
(3 greyish saltator)
(thrush-like wren)

Greater Ani * (10-15)
Y-h caracara (cream hd & chest)
Black " [[Ditto for caracara]] (with yellow hd)

camu camu - ^[[small green]] fruit with lots of 
Ascorbic acid
flowering bromeliad *
white-tailed trogon
Blk collared hawk
0650 hrs Blk tailed trogon (red br)
Amazon kingf (bl & W splotched belly)

(Great Black hawk)