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14 July 77: Day 5 [[E]]= 11.4cc

0800 1.6cc SMA & SusT.
no def. or urin. with stimulation

10:00 Def. independently.

10:45[[strikethrough]] 1100AM 1.4cc SMA & Sust.

Fell asleep before end.
Clinging well to orange

13:15 wght 51.6g measurements
photographs | Super 8 |
L. Dorsey   | Hooge   |

15:00 2.1cc SMA & Sust
Would not urin/def.
spending time curled up
in fetal position with
tail curled forward over head.

1730 1.7 SMA & Sust
def. no urin feces yellow-brown
& firm.
Cheeped 3X during feed.

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clearly examining nipple
by olfaction --- not obvious
sniffing in head movements
but [[strikethrough]] slight head waving up & down.
Searching movements.

1945 1.5 SMA & Sust (new formula)
no urin/def with stim.
got hiccups at end - lasted @ 5 min.

2215 1.8 SMA & SusT.
urinated when picked up &
during feeding. did not def.
when stimulated.

24:00 1.3cc SMA & SusT.
def w/ stim.: feces toothpast &
yellow brown
hiccupped after feeding (?)
becoming more alert when picked up.
Scanning movements with head.
(How much can it see??)

TL 22.5cm ear^length 1.8cm
HR 10.0 ear width 1.4
Tail 12.5 hand 3.0
he^ad 2.36 foot 3.4cm