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16 July 77 Day E=13.9ec

0820 hrs 2.2 cc SMA + SusT.

1040 hrs 1.7 cc SMA + Sustagen
            (new batch formula)

Before feeding: atl. sk on nipple
several times before he 
began lapping. Alert + olfactory examination
of my hand.
Hiccupped after 1st phase
feeding. Several yawns during 
hiccupping episode.

1320  1.7 cc SMA + Sust.
did not urin or def.
Have not seen any feces 
all day.

1630  2.3 cc SMA + Sust.
did not def or urin. 
^[[in car]]

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18:45 Fed @ 2.2 cc SMA & Sust.
in Dulles airport
defecated with stimulation-
brown firm feces.
Fed well.

2140 Fed @ 1.7cc SMA + Sust.
in car - no urin or def.

2345 Had defecated independently

Before feeding developed hiccups

Hands loosening somewhat- opens & clasps them periodically
alert all during feeding:
looking around. Lifts head well when lying.
Urinated profusely while cleaning him.

2.1 cc Sust & SMA (new batch form)

Still keeping feet clasped & crossed.
Tail curled up over body.
Fetal position. Keeping both elbows &
legs flexed- Legs occasionally
extended during feeding.