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21 July 77 Day 12 [[E]]=19.4cc
0840 AM 3cc SMA & Sust formula
1100 AM Def. prior to feeding
well-formed dark brown
bolus - also urinated.
Fed 2.5cc SMA & Sust.
140 PM Carried in pocket
from 1PM.
Fed 3.0 cc SMA & Sust
Back in incubator after feeding
350 PM Wght 60.6
Animal infrequently in fetal
position. Tail typically held
straight back unless
sleeping. Hindlegs not crossed 
but being held under body.
[[symbol for therefore]] almost in a quadrupedal
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4PM 2.9cc SMA & SusT
(new formula)
Prior to feeding side to side
head movements - searching -
Still has poor clinging ability, 
i.e. will not hold on to vertical
surface for very long.
7 PM 3.0 cc
930 PM 3.0 cc
1130 PM 2.0cc
Ly in crouch ^sphinx^ position
Extremely alert & eager to
feed but cannot sk
properly. Sometimes
bites nipple.
Fur on venter sparse but
growing. Awake more often.