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[[E]]=29.0 cc SMA & Sust
6 Aug 77 Day 28 [[E]]=4.7 cereal
[[E]]=2.o cc applesauce

0900 5 cc SMA & Sust
firm feces present in cage

1130 1.7 cc rice cereal / chow / milk
4.8 cc SMA & Sust

1400 defecated prior to feed - firm
3.0 cc SMA & Sust
1.0 cc rice cereal/chow/milk

1st seen pulling himself forward
with forefeet as well as hindfeet.
Chirping more frequently although
rasp common when hungry

able to hold his while body upright
when trying to walk quadrupedally
but cannot walk

1645 Defecated before feed - firm
1.2 cc cereal mixture
5.0 cc milk
initially ate cereal eagerly; then quit.

1930 Defecated before feed - loose
0.8 cc cereal
4.0 cc SMA & Susti

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2200 2.0 Gerbers applesauce
3.2 cc SMA & Sust (new batch)

Not held in hand for almost
all today's feedings

2400 4.0 cc SMA & Sust

Very active 1800 - 2100 hrs.

Fur grown in on throat,
belly, feet.  Tail fully
Soles [[strikethrough]] & Palms becoming
more grey.

Grooming of all body parts 
fully coordinated.
Autogrooming when waking up
& after feed.