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18Aug 77 Day 40 0815 3cc Thick cereal (HiPro & chow) with milk 1.5cc pears Gerbers 2.0cc SMA & Sust defecated 4x during meal - All firm. 1130 5.8cc milk & marmoset chow & banana before milk, ate numerous small pieces of ^[[marmoset]] chow 2-230 PM 3 mealworms (eagerly) several pieces of marmoset chow & banana 5.2cc milk & HiPro & monkey chow 3 PM 3.0cc milk- [[end page]] [[start page]] 450 PM Wght 123.7g 600 PM 5.6cc milk & cereal 8:40p.m. 5cc milk 1/2 tsp cereal Ate all but a little cereal 8:55p.m. several pieces of banana 1:30 AM [[circled]]6cc milk - 1/2 tsp cereal[[/circled]] Ate 3cc of combination