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13 Sept 77   Day 66

0900 1 tsp marm chow + banan (4:1)
some hard fed -
Left 4th digit still [[strikethrough]]broken[[/strikethrough]] swollen - feces firm.

1100 Finished 1 tsp chow + banana
Fur looking scruffy + oily
wght 179g

11-1 ate ~1/2 tsp chow + banana

2:30 2 crickets
1 mouse pup eaten rump first: immediately
1/2 slice 1/4 apple
2 small pieces orange
(Had finished apple by 5:30 PM)
3PM Colonel reintro'd SMH in cage

Ad [[male symbol]] comes in as well as [[strikethrough]]other[[/strikethrough]] older juv [[male symbol]].
Latter leaves. Whole group begins mobbing vocs.

Older juv [[male symbol]] + father

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[[start page]]

locked in.
3:10 PM - Inf. hidden in nb in box. Adult [[male symbol]] continuing to examine cage + Inf.
Juv [[male symbol]] on ceiling - long loud cluck - whine bouts by whole family -
New Cage?
315 - Colonel out of nb - constant rasping. Juv [[male symbol]] has stayed away. Several ^[[insertion]]Ad.[[/insertion]] [[male symbol]] approaches.

320 Door opened to all [[strikethrough]]all[[/strikethrough]] family members access.
Ad [[male symbol]] stays close to small cage.
Old J[[female symbol]] + [[male symbol]] enter, +.

Ad [[female symbol]] + [[female symbol]] inf (on back) remain in [[strikethrough]]at[[/strikethrough]] opposite cage from Colonel.

335 Inf off mother in 3rd cage.
Ad [[male symbol]] enters cage with C. with food.
Older juv [[male symbol]] Arch. 3X
Inf back on mother
Cage 3 )