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If behavior ceases for 10 sec. then next behave. for Play, Arch Wk 
 G.M, SM,

Participants move > arms' reach
Fight, Allogroom,
Solicit Groom,
MT, Cop,
AS, Ps, St. ; N

On grnd ceases if all 4 feet on [[strikethrough]]ground[[/strikethrough]] branch.

6 Play 7; 6 play 5 = 6 play 7+5

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Social Behavior observation
2 animals/ 30 min ad-lib.

Fight - F

[[a piece of paper with matrix design obcures much of rest of page.  Some text extending beyond its left edge and 3 lines below its bottom edge]]


/no resist

1N N.B - N.B.
Def - d
Eat - E = eat feces
Falls - Near Falls

Transcription Notes:
This page is repeated without the obscuring sheet of paper as page 12.