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[[page is 6 column table-true headings are in 3rd row]]

Time|Date|Focal Animal|Group| Obs. |

   |   | Interval Number| Animal Number |   |

Number Animal or Interval| Subst| Height| Behav| Activ| Location

(1)| (a)WW| (a) to nearest meter| Fight=F|(a) Inact.| (a)meters from Viveiro

(2)| (b) < 2cm|   | AW|   |

   | (c) 2-5cm |   | S. Mark SM| (b)Locomote|

   |(finger to wrist)|   |G.Mark GM|   | (b) direction from Viveiro

(10)| (d) >5cm| (b) in or on Viveiro|   |   |

   | (e) Bananas|   | SolectGR. ASol| Behav |

   | (f) Bromiliad| Viv.| Allogr. ALG| MM|

   |  (g) Animal ID.|   | Autogr. Aug| E/dr|

   | (h) Grnd.|   |   | Rest|

   | (i) Nestbox|   |MT | Soc.|

   |   |   | Copul | Other|

   |   |   | Nurse N |Coproph|

   |   |   | NB NB|   |

   |   |   | A Share [Yes] A.S.   |

   |   | Eat:   | Pass. Share [↓]
P.S.|   |

   |   | Plant| Steal ST|   |

   |   | Animal| Long Call or LC++ LC|   |

   |   | Feces| Def/E feces Def. E|   |

   |   | Prov   |Falls/near falls|   |

   |   | Non- prov.|   |   |  

Transcription Notes:
Some upside down words at bottom of page struck through. many underlinings and red ink letters not denoted in the interest in readability.