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[[strikethrough]] IBDF Tejuca Park 
9/5 Pacheco Leao 246 9384
IBDF State of Guanatara 
Tijuca Park Dept. Pesq. Conserv. Nature 246 2077

Magnanini IBDF 246-2491

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

upon arrival in Rio -
A Phone Coimbra
B Phone Autnori - ask about export permit
^[[Health certificate]] 
a US consul certification
b certified translation of export permit.
[[circled]] C Pan Am desk to reconfirm flight - need food on flight for me, jump seat. [[/circled]]

D Nogueira & Magnanini phone numbers -- 
E Hotel reservations in Sao Paulo  

[[arrow from circled C section]]
Get Pan Am: See @ space on aircraft for passenger flight.