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[[underlined]] 11 June 1975 [[/underlined]]

11 June 1975 - Arr Rio ^[[International Airport]] 0900 hrs.
Taxi to Hotel California
Av. Atlantica 2616 Tele. 257 1900

Message from Magnanini that he would call back at noon.
After speaking with him, arranged to go with him to IBDF offices near Tijuca Bank at 14:30 hrs. Coimbra out of town.

Tried to get through to Autuori in Sao Paulo.  After 3 wrong numbers, got the Zoo, but Autuori wouldn't be there till
16:00. Left him message to phone hotel.

[[strikethrough]] Met our [[/strikethrogh]] Walked around area near Hotel - Avda Copacabana, etc.  Many shops, but expensive.

Magnanini arr. & we go to IDBF headquarter at Tijuca.
Political situation as follows: