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IBDF moved all offices to Brasilia Sept 74.  Magnanini refused to go, therefore resigned as director of National Parks
System - IBDF in Ministry of Agriculture
I) IBDF President. Berutti
   A) Director for Nat'l Park Celos
      1.) Asst. Luis de Padua (who signed authorization for Maned Wolves)

Magnanini used to have Celos position but is now considered a "researcher" since he refused to move.  IBDF created 1967 & Magnanini working with them from the start.

M. believes that IBDF is [[strikethrough]] useful [[/strikethrough]] useless for developing a system of National Parks
and Biological Reserves. Most money for "development" as title suggests.  Presidents of IBDF have been many, 8
since beginning of IBDF.

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The Presidents are political appointees, and often know nothing about fauna & flora.  They change as
the government changes.

Recently Nogueira-Neto, Special Assistant in Ministry of Interior has tried to develop ecological reserves or ecological stations.  By doing so, he may be trying to circuit IBDF. But M. thinks it will result in duplicate efforts and be divisive.

Magnanini attempting to develop a center for training National Parks people eg superintendents & rangers. IBDF is trying to do it in Brasilia where it makes no sense. At M. headquarters, there are 1 man, forest engineer, [[female gender symbol]] architect, [[female gender symbol]] museologist, [[female gender symbol]] forest engineer.

The architect is designing