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Intentions w r.t. Leontopithecus
Release L.r.rosalia into
Poco das Antas.
h.r.chrysopygus ? Probably
into Tijuca Park.

I was surprised at the [[underlined]]distance [/underlined]]
separating the 3 races of rosalia, Chrysomelas is 1000 km North
of Rio area where [[underlined]]rosalia [/underlined]]
is common & [[underlined]]chrysopygus [/underlined]]
equally far.

Continuity of forest between
chrysomelas & rosalia probable.
But chrysopygus separated
from coastal forest by mountain
ridges which may have prevented
continuity for considerable
period. [[underlined]] L. rosalia [/underlined]]not
supposed to [[strikethrough]]have been [/strikethrough]] be able to adapt to montane forest

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Visited Tijuca Bank briefly
with Magnanini.

Rosalia remarkable for brilliance
of coloration. Sun or food?
They give high protein feed in
AM, ^[[natural]] fruits in PM. (are
planting palms & other plants
in Tyrica which can be eaten
by Leontopithecus at release).
Leontopith. also feed on insects.
On brief view Bank contains
3 pro chrysopygus & several
chrysomelas paired with rosalia.
None of the rosalia have 
[[underlined]any [/underlined]]black on them.

The [[underlined]] chrysopygus [/underlined]]are all black
except for hindquarters, ^[[i.e.]]rump &
venter. Tail ^[[& legs]] black. Occasional
gold hair on back. They seem larger -
or at least more sexual dimorphism
[[orth?]] [[symbol for male twice]] >[[symbol for female twice]]. Piloerected,
they look like Callicebus.
When tail held [[image - drawing of arched tail]] very noticeable.