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Send Helio reports JFG Dol

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14 June 1975 
AM Went shopping
check with Pan Am re: Flights Carasao -> JFK

Picked up by Helio & taken to zoo.
Helio works full time at Butantan & consultant to zoo
In quarantine area
[[underlined]] Brachyteles arachnoides [[/underlined]][[female symbol]] with thick clitoris
Cacajao rubicundus 
"[[ditto for Cacajao]] melanolophus [[?]]

Many [[underlined]] Pteronura [[/underlined]] - Sao Paulo has bred[[underlined]] Pteronura [[/underlined]]. After 5 litters [[strikethrough]] which were suffocated, finally realized that they needed double entrance to [[?]] since [[female symbol]] protective & sits with head out of box.

Also have many Dasyprocta
Cuniculus (look terrible)
3 [[underlined]] Dinomys [[/underlined]]