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Canadanian Lynx
Newly received Hyena brunnea 

Have 9 Black jaguars. 
Many [[strikethrough]] breeding jaguars + leopards

4 cheetahs - non breeding
Bengal + [[strikethrough]] ^[[Siberian]] tigers

Several ocelots

Canid I couldn't identify Alopex (3) 

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Bird exhibits very nice
(1) Egret + Ibis house  
(2)Hummingbird flight cage.
(3) waterfowl 
(orinoco goose)

The quarantine area looks like a dealers compound. Animals everywhere in boxes + cages. Many cages with wood floors or soil floors.

Have off-exhibit breeding facilities for birds. 

zoo well-staffed-

[[strikethrough]] Helio [[?]] [[/strikethrough]
Autuori zoologist specializing in ants. 84 publications. [[strikethrough]] [[bef]][[/strikethrough]Been zoo director 15 yrs. Beating no biology degree, but designing many of the buildings and exhibits.