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2 Cruzhimas

book 1000cz

Scotch $10.00
[[card stapled to page]]
Caria Cristina Weyhan Vieira
Fazenda Monte Alegre
Engenheino Trompowsky
371132 - Monte Belo
Sul de Minas Gerais
Brasil. Tel: 2391142 (Rio)
ou 0355711500 (Fazenda)
[[end card]]

[[card stapled to page]]
Ilmar Santos Bastos
Dep. Zoologia - I.CB.
Universidade Federal De
Minas Gerais
B.H - MG -
Belo Horizonte
Celio Valle
[[end card]]
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
15 June 82 - Arr Rio c[[underlined]] 0830 hrs.
meet Mittermeier, Jon Jensen
(WPTE), Karen [[scribbled out]] Streier,
Andy Young (Harvard students),

[[box drawn around the following information]]
-> Hotel Novo Mundo
[rates 4000cz/single ~$20.)

Hotel Novo Mundo S.A.
Praia[[?]] do Flamengo 20
Telephone 225-7366
[[end information in box]]

Rested, unpacked, small lunch
then -> Rio Zoo.
New director veterinarian,
curator/zoologist - woman
Director friend of Mitt.

Collectn & caging poor:
Had newborn infant
A. caraya,

Collectn includes 2 black rhinos, tapirs
capybara, 14 Chrysocyon;
Dusicyon vetulus, Cerdocyon,