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[[underline]] Photo [[/underline]]
#4 Koda 64 begin at #16

#16 - ~ 31

Montes Claros house fazenda [[double underline]] forest [[/double underline]]

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[[start page]]

19 VI 82

Drove to Fazenda Montes Claros in AM - from Caratinga 
~ 1 1/2 hr on dirt partly paved road from Caratinga. Montes Claros forest ~ 800 Ha - with many Altonatta Cebus , and @ 50 Brachyteles. Fazenda used for coffee, some sugar cane. Completely self-sufficient with electricity from own hydroelectric power. 

1645 2 Alonatta fusca in tree feeding on leaves; tree not identified.
[[strikethrough]] 15 m height along road  - fig tree

1700 hrs sight 4 more Alonatta in legunieron tree w/ fine leaves. Tree emergent in gorge. 
~ 100 m between 
1*1 and 0*0*4