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Jan 1983 - 
Visit CPRJ re: reintro. project
Dionzio, Carlos Alves (Renato [[pos?]])
Raquel Milano Terrano (head Nat'l Parks)
Joūo Carlos Nedel (BDF - Coord. Special Projects) [[underlined]] Ibsen [[/underlined]]
Maria Teresa resignation Dec 82.
PdA Annual budget cut in 1/2 @ $10,000.
Dionzio [[right pointing arrow]] RBPA 2x/week
Coimbra - creating the lab.  Callethrix fighting cocks.

Visited Poco - decided on sede
Claudio Padna to [[strikethrough]]do [[/strikethrough]] ^[[oversee]] restoration; Dionzio to prepare budget
Flooding of Dam scheduled for July.

Dionzio had signs for reserve but still not put up to signpost entrance.

[[right pointing arrow]] Visit Brasilia; meets with Milton Thiago
TO IBDF offices; met by Carlos Alves organizing contracts for project,thru FBCN, IBDF;
Discussions re: Rudran course
Belo Hor.: Br Soc. Zoology Congress