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[[circled]] 3A [[/circled]]

[[boxed]] GLT #3 1st processed 17 Nov 83 either from Vargem or Portuense? [[/boxed]]

[[boxed]] Nov 83 [[/boxed]]
Renato ^[[in charge]]/Resp. for GLT project - Lourdes Ferreira

DG[[?]] arrives with 15 GLTs Had worked with Beck re: food distribution & presentation

Description of chaos re: arrival w/ monkeys & putting them into CPRJ quarantine.  
Bob ^[[& Rita]] Nelson present - beginning of primate course in Rio (CPRJ & Poco). 
Milton completely disorganized. First visit to Berant

Quarantine facility for GLTs not completed
Visit PdA; stay at sede with Jim/Lou Ann
Group of 5 outside reserve in area scheduled to be cut

CPRJ - Trying to convince Coimbra to let us have some blood for genetics
Lectured again
Had birthday cake - 15 Nov is Liberty Day in Brasil.
Staying at Teresopolis

Trying to get Berant approved as breeder

1st joint processing of monkeys including 2 groups GLTs &  maned sloth. Completed at 4AM -