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Alfre working on taxonomy of Leontopithecus, mainly with [[Condra's?]] collection, but working in Museu Nacional.

Apparently L.r. chrysomela has many similarities with [[underlined]]Callithrix[[/underlined]].

Rosenberger Thinks [[circled]]1[[/circled]] 3 separate species (teeth & skull) and [[circled]]2[[/circled]] perhaps more closely aligned with Callithrix.

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25 January 83

Early trip to CPRJ for discussions re: Poco project

Present [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] were [[Dionigio?]] (Director, BRPA), Carlos Alves (in Renato's former position), Raquel Milano Terrana (in Angela Qintao position; head of National Parks) Joao Carlos Nedel (IBDF -)Coordinator of special projects);

and Ibsen from IBDF. 

Also Coimbra & Claudio.

Discussions chaotic because IBDF people had no authority and had not been involved in project until Maria Teresa resigned in December.

Arguments about obligations and what could be done.

All in Portuguese. Carlos & Raquel both with IBDF for less than one year and have little