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reporters a CPRJ all day.

Coimbra couldn't understand quite why Dietzs & I had left him with the reporters all day.

Before dinner Lou Ann calls to tell me that I am scheduled to lecture all day tomorrow, when I thought it was Friday.

Discussed problems at PEEMA (socialist govt. refuses to confirm positions ); gave Dionisio some credit;

Mostly talked about taking blood & skin, trying to Convince Coimbra that it could & should be done.

Spent rest of night organizing slides.

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10 November

Beginning of Primate course at Rio Zoo in [[strikethrough]]alo [[/strikethrough]] auditorium.

Bob Nelson - FONZ (wife Rita)
Coimbra -
Milton Thiago de Mellow Brasilia even shows up.

Milton introduces everyone while Bob Nelson, I, & Coimbra stay up front.

Bob Nelson says a few words —  presents students with FONZ T-shirts to pick up later.

Milton lectures & I begin lecturing.
I talked @ SI & NZP Primate research in the context of Primatology.

Then some material on endocrinology & reproductive
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