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Jun Lou Ann, & I, lunched with Milton & Angela from Brasilia (Ph.D. in Psycho physics from Univ. Michigan}

In PM Angela translated while I lectured on social structure & mating system.

Almiranbe Ibsen gave a general talk about conservation internationally & how Brazilian conservation was evolving.

Jun Lou Ann & I ran before the end of the day to avoid Milton etc.

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We had dinner at the Sheraton Hotel — a specialty in Bahian food. Also with a floor show of Bahian dancing.

The costumes involve the women wearing nothing or very 16th century European clothes, eg. hoops in shirts. Mens clothes less European. Possibly because women worked in the houses & tried to emulate Portuguese women while men work in field.

[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] Bahians are African decendants; hot spicy food & many combinations of African and Catholic customs.

They are Christian, but spiritualist types with lots of rituals & superstitions.

One dance involves the men

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