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deciduous teeth
Upper canine  2.8mm

From Sandy Area

[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] Adult lactating [[female symbol]]"Hoppy"
640g   Total L 57.1 cm
Temp 37.1 [[degrees]] C  Tail L  32.5cm

Lots of milk - nipples ~6mm long
Sternal & circumgenital glands very [[strikethrough]] [[big?]] [[/strikethrough]] well developed.

Upper canine length 6.7mm

[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] Adult [[male symbol]] Hippy - Older & with several broken canines & an extremely worn teeth. Scruffy - looking.
565g   Total L 56.1cm
Temp. 37.2 [[degrees]] C  Tail L  33.1 "[[ditto for cm]]

Scrotal testes
Large sternal & circumgenital glands

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Jim believes Vargem group has [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 5 & 2 infants, thus we had caught all but adult pair and one infant.

Study area troop thought to have 5 + 2 infants as well.

Everyone totally exhausted at end. I collapsed while sloth being processed.