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1502 #7 circles, sniffs, follows, & mounts Sentinel; @ 5 m.
#7 continues pursuing Sentinel, until @ 1509. #7  allogrooms her, has erection.
1508 Sent. L.C.
1512 Sent. #7,8 each about 2 m apart
1514 #7 & S begin moving in opposite directions.
Both L.C.
1516 Several animals start moving SE on ground [M, R, 9, 5]
#8 meets rest of KI.
Mc meets #9, Ron.
#7 foll. Mc. [[strikethrough]]& S[[end strikethrough]] Sent foll #7.
Then #5 & #8 move uphill again (N).
1524 JMD, BBB et al head towards trail.
#8 on trail, L.C. Sev'l other animals L.C.
1525 #8 & 5 on trail
#7 & S cross. #1 & #8 head East with a third animal following.
We have come out at R 400 & 10.