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Between observations, we take ad lib notes.

E.g. Ben sees small frog enter viveiro & we wait to see who will find it.

#9 & one infant are very close to it near ground & we keep expecting a kill [or at least for someone to try].

#9 then drops on it as though he knew.

Frog jumps under log & we realize that it was so well-camouflaged that #9 never saw it! We are amazed since the level 

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of coincidence is extreme with the animal dropping right onto it. It must have felt the frog's movement but assumed it was part of environmental movement [leaves or twigs]

Eg also, we see a buzzard or raptor flying overhead @ 10-15 meters above the  cage - several animals chirp & then all are still & very quiet.

Lunch is sandwiches; I made my own - We also have orange.

Thus data collection procedures:

[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] Ad lib notes of anti predator behavior; predatory behavior

[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] Twice a day activity samples of whole group [5 min / animal at 10 30" samples]