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Carlos's main study group had a 4 hour inter group encounter with another group from over the hillside yesterday.

Animals w/in 10 feet of Carlos & just jumping around & arch walking & vocalizing for 4 hours.

For some reason he expected that they wouldn't approach the same area today, although they did by mid-morning.

Vocs - We heard several long calls, but even the

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nearly full L.C. cannot be heard much more than 25 meters away. And there are softer L.C. which Jim believes act intra-group & not between groups.

Carlos & I were within 20 m of his group several times & heard & saw movements, but I did not get to see animals.

In talking with [[strikethrough]]Cle[[/strikethrough]] Carlos & with Jim, I notice that observations [[underline]] are [[/underline]] interpreted without sufficient data for an informed judgment.

I suggest later to Jim that it might be useful to