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looped and having fantasies about Chicago style gangsters & shoot-ups and arrests.

They don't show up until 1130 and are totally bombed on pinga by then, and incredibly noisy.

Note: Data collection has gone remarkably well. Between B & J & me, I think we developed a system that can be adapted eventually to a habituated group.

We completed 2 complete sets of focal animal scans (16 ten minute sessions)

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[[underlined]] DAY 2 [[/underlined]]

1 June 84

B. says that group got up at normal hour & all left the Viveiro, at least for a short while.

Jim & I start data collection at 8 AM with our 1/2 hour scans & eventually do 2 focals per animal by the end of the day (16 focal sessions). We quit at 4.

I'm somewhat disappointed because the exploratory behavior seen yesterday was not maintained.

[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] There was a noon-ish rest period on top of the nest box.

[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] We saw about 2 nursing bouts on the nest box with ♀ #1.