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I'm getting somewhat nervous, in that there are no plans for anything from hereon out - not from Jim nor Ben.

Party breaks up about 3 PM.

B & B return to camp to do night night on KI & Rosa & I stay.

I read in hammock, shower & relax.

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Day 6 Release KI

Tuesday 5 June 84

Rosa & I get out v. early to begin scans & observations. The group starts ranging further and foraging. They hit one tree southwest of [[strikethrough]] veir [[/strikethrough]] viveiro which produces a number of large roaches or crickets which they eat.

#8 did not go with group & when group back at viveiro, he was elsewhere.

AT 3:30 PM #8 was ~ 30 SW. AT 4:30-5:00 we located him at about 50-60 m NW.

Eventually, he did not come back to the nest box even by 5:30 PM. And Ron came out very late (~5:15 PM) which was unusual.