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#6, the young & Micoeca all seem locomotor-capable & do a lot of foraging for protein. They range over broad areas & many heights.

Viv II animals depend on Viv., rarely range far, & don't go very high. (Animals move at higher heights late in P.M. when losing light. When higher they prob. can see further). ([[strikethrough]] Calling [[/strikethrough]] It is dark at 1730 hours & animals are always bedded down before 1530 hrs.)

All ^[[(BBB)]] believe that the critical variable in reintro success may be locomotor capability & the ability to make a cognitive map & get from point "A" to point "B".

BBB has mainly worked on

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habituating animals to 
(1) different foods
(2) packaged & hidden foods
(3) temporally distributed foods
(4) spatially distributed foods at CPRJ.

In the viveiros, the concern was with getting them adapted to using natural vegetations.

We all agree that they need to learn how to think ahead about each & every movement (with fallbacks), so that they move at various heights & on various types of vegetation. Altho the Viv was more complex than CPRJ, the animals did rapidly habituate to known pathways.

I am surprised by how much