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Carlos tree from wh/ GLT feed on nectar is
[[underlined]] Symphonia [[/underlined]] not [[underlined]]Callophyllum [[/underlined]]
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Day 6 w[[obscured]]
Day 4 NO

29 July 85 Mond.

Start day taking Jessie out to photograph, dam, Reserve entrance, feed lot with cattle;

End up at Pedreiro and walk in. Meet Zeke & Elizao doing observns. & they take us to Ron Rita & #5

The animals are near the Pedreira in scrub. Rita does not infant rasp at me this time.

We go out & I return to house for gas. Dionizio has arrived.
Spent last week politicking for GLT conservation
(1) getting new INCRA land attached to PdA
(2) developing a sub-delegation for IBDF