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On way back to Reserve purchase 2 new tires since both front tires are bald - and dangerous. As we drive thru Reserva meet with Zigne. Elpidio & Otavio have just arrived to help out [[strikethrough]] out [[/strikethrough]]. As usual Elpidio melts into the walls, while Otavio is friendly & outgoing.

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15 Feb

After returning to REBO Dionizio Herci & kids are present & churrasco is in making. Discuss some business.

[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]] BERANT: Had some deaths, fired 1/2 his staff & turned over [[underlined]] ALL [[/underlined]] Leontopithecus to IBDF. Only one [[underlined]] chrysomelas [[/underlined]] remained which went to Sao Paulo with 6 GLTs. 4 other GLTs went to Coimbra. NZP #5 we think went to Sao Paulo.

[[image - three circles arranged in shape of triangle]] Sao Paulo, Rio, CPRJ have considerable numbers of GLTs & Sao Paulo & Coimbra have many [[underlined]] chrysomelas [[/underlined]]. 

[[circled]] 2 [[/circled]] [[underlined]] Chrysomelas [[/underlined]] : There is nothing now stopping the shipment of [[underlined]] Chrysomelas [[/underlined]] to the States. Dionizio has been given responsibility for their distribution & transport by the new