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New Pres. IBDF

[[strikethrough]] Director [[/strikethrough]]

Address: phone
Jordan Wallauer
SQS 102-C-607
telefone: 226-2602

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[[start page]]

20 Feb 86

move to SEMA under Nogueira Neto before too long.
Unfortunately, SEMA has much less money than Agricultura, and much of IBDF money is from forestry end & not parks & reserves. 

[[circled]] c [[/circled]] [[strikethrough]] B [[strikethrough]] Turnover derived from a "plot" apparently involving M.J. and Jordan (may have been ring leaders) to unseat previous IBDF President. They succeeded, but the day before he left office, he moved every department head & every person associated with the "plot" out of office. Downgraded their positions. 

[[circled]] d [[/circled]] New [[strikethrough]] director [[/strikethrough]] ^[[President]] of IBDF is friend of Ibsen's & Ibsen made appt with him for us on 3 Mar. 

[[circled]] e [[/circled]] While in Ibsen's office, he heard that Jordan had been given new position as "Special Assistant" to PRES. IBDF. The fallen rise!