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talking right away @ the chrysomelas

Joesio has entire [[underlined]] chrysomelas [[/underlined]] file in front of him including Coimbra / Pissinatti's ^[[original]] report on the condition of the animals. 

Impossible to summarize progression of the discussion since there were contradictory responses to some questions. 

Jordan Wallauer came in during the meeting & clearly there was disagree-ment between him & Raquel. 

① Current Structure:
[[organization chart]] 

[[[top of chart]]
IBDF President Jayme Costa Santiago
[[arrows to]]↓
Jordan Wallauer Special Asst. Head of Commission to study Pantanal
Director DN Joesio...Siqueira
Division of Nature
[[with arrows to:]]
Director of 
Div. Parks &
Equival. Reserves [[and]]
Ivo Muniz Director of Div. for Protection of Nature

[[arrows from Muniz to:]]
Asst Director Vitor Cantarelli Cites [[and]]
Marlezi Zoos

[[arrow from Raquel to]]

responsible for national parks in State of Rio
[[/organization chart]]
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
3 March 86

Prior to our arrival, Deonzio had spoken with Raquel on the phone & she had told Deonzio that she wouldn't touch the [[underlined]] chrysomelas [[/underlined]] issue because it wasn't known who was responsible for what in the DN with the new Director.
Once we sorted everything out, it seemed reasonably clear where the responsibilities should remain, and responsibility for different issues was delegated by Joesio.
② GLT Internat. Comm.
Asked who should be the IBDF representative to the Int. Com.

Discussed representation by Jordan & Maria Teresa, the former originally being for the institution & the latter for both her experience, status, knowledge & institutional affiliation.

Joesio made it clear that he would have a representative delegated to the Int. M.C. GHLT,

Transcription Notes:
How to format flow chart?