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but that any representative would represent the office. Therefore any correspondence related to the IBDF/DN should be sent to:

Diretor de ^[[Departamento de]] Parques Nacionais e Resérvas Equivalentes
att [[underlined]] n [[/underlined]]: Projecto Mico-leão-do-cara dourada

Other mail sent to a person should have their name on it and [[strikethrough]] be [[/strikethrough]] have added :PESSOAL (personal)

Eventually after 2 days of discussion with individuals & some thinking, I decided to leave Maria Teresa on & recommend that Jordan also be left on but that an additional institutional member for IBDF be added. 

[Joesio wanted to know how the Comm. was formed. I said by Mallinson, me, Mittermeier]. [Actually, I ^[[probably]] gave him the impression that we were self-appointed although on remembering, there

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3 March 86
[[underlined]] IBDF [[/underlined]]

was input from IUCN, WWF, & some other organizations as well as people. 

By afternoon of 4th March, it was decided that the Internat. Mgmnt Comm. would be responsible for the management of GHLTs in captivity while IBDF would retain ownership of all animals & their offspring. 

Late on the PM of the 4th we prepared an M.O.U. signed by JMD, Dionizio, me, Joesio, Ivo & Cantarelli on the function of IBDF & the Int. Comm. in the management of GHLTs in captivity. 

Major points were that:
① IBDF retained ownership
② Participants in Int. Breeding prog. cannot sell animals
③ M.C. ⓒ evaluates qualifications of applicants;
ⓐ is given authority to manage the captive pop [[underlined]] n [[/underlined]]
ⓑ develops standards & protocols 
ⓓ makes recommendations on transfers, [[strikethrough]] deaths [[/strikethrough]] pairings etc.

Transcription Notes:
M.O.U.: Memorandum of Understanding.