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[[underlined]]b[[/underlined]]. Accidents involving government motor vehicles will be promptly reported to the Transportation Officer who will see that regulations governing action to be taken in such cases are strictly complied with (AR 30-1075).

[[underlined]]SECTION II

1. Military and civilian personnel will exercise the greatest care to avoid disclosing [[underlined]]any information[[/underlined]] concerning official matters to anyone outside official circles.
2. Official matters whether unclassified or classified (Secret, Confidential, or Restricted) will be discussed only when necessary in the transaction of official business.
3. Organization commanders will bring the foregoing instructions to the attention of all personnel (including civilian) under their control.

[[underlined]]SECTION III

1 [[underlined]]a[[/underlined]]. All dogs, cats and other pet animals kept on the reservation will be registered with the Provost Marshal. They will wear the tag with the owner's name at all times. The Provost Marshal will cause to be picked up and turned in to the Guard House, all untagged dogs. A description of the dog should be telephoned to the Post Adjutant in order that it may be placed on various bulletin boards. These dogs will be destroyed by the Provost Marshal if not called for within 24 hours.
[[underlined]]b[[/underlined]]. Animals will be kept out of barracks, mess halls and offices.
