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Current Affairs Forum Questionnaire

It is proposed to organize a current affairs forum or discussion group for interested personnel to meet one evening a week. You can assist the officer in charge to plan a program of the greatest interest to the greatest number of men by checking the answers to the questions below:

1. Would you like to know more about current affairs?
yes [ ]   
no  [ ]

2. Which of the following methods of learning about current affairs would you prefer? Check one.
[ ] Speech by an authority, followed by question period.
[ ] Speech by an authority, without a question period.
[ ] Informal discussion of current affairs under trained leaders.

3. Check below three subjects which you personally would be most interested to discuss or to hear discussed:

National Affairs:
[ ] Plans for postwar employment
[ ] Problems of small business
[ ] Social security
[ ] Universal military training

Personal Affairs:
[ ] Educational opportunities for soldiers
[ ] Marriage in wartime
[ ] Effect of working wives on postwar employment

International Problems:
[ ] Colonial policies
[ ] Lend-lease
[ ] Price of lasting peace
[ ] Propaganda in wartime

[ ] Germany
[ ] Japan
[ ] What about the War Criminals?

[ ] Russia
[ ] China
[ ] Britain and the British
[ ] France
[ ] Balkans

4. Suggest below subjects in which you are interested but which have not been mentioned under item No. 3:
[[blank line]]
[[blank line]]
[[blank line]]
[[blank line]]

[[blank line]]

[[blank line]]
(Grade and Organization)