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selected from among international, national, community, and personal problems. After each subject a blank is provided. The instruction accompanying the list should ask that from three to five choices be checked. A third way is to combine the two methods above. Below the check list the man may be asked to write on blank lines any subject in which he is interested, but which has not been included in the list. For a suggested questionnaire see Figure 1.

[[image - cartoon of man reading paper]]

The leader (officer or enlisted man) preparing the questionnaire will decide whether he will get more authentic information from the men by having the questionnaires unsigned. The disadvantage of using unsigned questionnaires is that an opportunity is lost to secure the names of interested individuals.

2. Announcement: Once the plans for holding a meeting are made, interest may be stimulated or maintained by announcements in the camp newspaper, over the local broadcasting system, on slides during movie showings, or at formations. Such announcements are useful whether they deal with preliminary meetings to determine group interests or with information about the time, place, and subject of a specific discussion that has been decided upon.

3. Bulletin boards: An obvious way to stimulate interest in discussion groups - proposed or already functioning - is to maintain well-located bulletin boards. Posters, maps, newspaper clippings , and photographs should be effectively arranged. A clearly printed heading which gives the discussion subject can be used to tie the whole exhibit together.