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[[image - 5 soldiers at a table, the first is smiling and listening, the second is sweating, the third is the only one standing and he is talking with his arm outstretched, the fourth is calming listening and the last is applauding]]

or when it gives signs of flagging, it is a good thing to summarize the chief points made up to that moment. The discussion can be redirected by another question from the leader.
(7) Announce the subject, time, place, and special speaker (if any) of the next meeting in a series. If a subject for the next meeting has not been decided upon, take the last minute or two to secure suggestions from the group. Find out if the group would like to continue discussing some issue that has been raised, but has not been explored thoroughly during the meeting. Or ask for a show of hands on two or three other subjects which may be interesting to the members.

2. Panel discussion: A panel consists of a small group of six or eight persons, who carry on a guided and informal discussion before an audience as if the panel were meeting alone. The proceedings of the panel should be the same as those described for informal discussion: volunteering of facts, asking questions, stating opinions—all expressed with geniality, with respect for the contributions of other members, without speech making, and without making invidious personal references. This primary function should occupy approximately two-thirds of the allotted time—say forty minutes of an hour's meeting. The secondary function of the panel is to answer questions from the audience.  
This discussion method is suitable for use when a relatively