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[[image - drawing of officer facing an audience while pointing at a graph]]


form of discussion. The member should face the audience. One possible arrangement is illustrated on page 22. It is important that each panel member adjust his chair so that he can see every other member without effort. The chairman will also find that the best places for his readiest speakers are at the extreme end of the table. He should keep the more reticent members close to him so that he can readily draw them out with direct questions. If the quieter ones sit on the fringes of the panel, the more voluble members are quite likely to monopolize the discussion.

3. Single-speaker forum: This is a good type of presentation when an individual who is an "expert" and a strong public speaker can be secures for the meeting. If a series of such forums are to be planned, it will be necessary in all probability to call upon a different speaker for each occasion. Sometimes it may be possible to invite such speaker from nearby universities or professional and other local associations. Often competent specialists may be found among the officers and men of the command.

The single-speaker forum has the disadvantage of presenting for consideration only one point of view-that of the speaker. An occasional speaker may try to explain various positions that may be taken on the basis of known facts which he outlines. It is nevertheless difficult for him, in spite of the most conscientious


Transcription Notes:
Edited: removed 'bolded' reference, not required. Per instructions not to truncate words, completed last word on this page using information on following page