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History of the Club

The growth of our club can well be measured by its humble beginning at Godman Field, Kentucky in December of 1945. The need for closer relationship had been apparent for many months. However, it wasn't until some very interested wives planned a Xmas party to which all wives and husbands then residing in the Guest Houses were invited that the actual seeds for growth were planted. At that first Xmas party so much fun was enjoyed by all that we decided to have many more affairs of that nature. Following the Xmas party a meeting, with Mabel Hayde as temporary chairman, was held, and the purposes of the club were discussed. The first officers were elected January 2, 1946; Agatha Davis, wife of the Commanding Officer, was unanimously chosen as our first president. A committee was appointed to draft a Constitution and By-Laws.

Our club was in its infancy when we were transferred to Lockbourne Air Force Base in March 1946, but the fellowship and goodwill we had found continued to grow. Our new environment offered disadvantages we hadn't experienced in Kentucky. Here we were scattered at various points in the city (the apartments here on the base were not ready for occupancy until the Fall of 1946) making it difficult to attend meetings. During late Spring, however, our meetings were in progress again, and in July of that year we had our first real affair - a picnic th which our husbands were invited.

By Fall of 1946 we had progressed to the point of having our own newspaper, the "OWL" (Officers' Wives of Lockbourne). This unique title was presented by Lucille Toppins, one of our Honorary Members. It was during this year, too, that we started our custom of presenting a gift to new babies