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1948 Officers

President - Wilma Campbell
Vice-President - Lucille Gleed
Secretary - Pauline Punch
Assistant Secretary - LaVerne Fountain
Treasurer - Maxie Manning

Committee Chairmen

Activities - Bernice Watson
Auditing - Phyllis Jamison
Charity - Elvira McWilliams
Membership - LaVerne Fountain
Nomating - Maxine Taylor
Program - Mary Copper
Publicity - Ruth Coleman
Sewing - Shirley Taylor
Social - Imogene Haywood

Vacancies Filled

President - Elizabeth Gillead
Secretary - Ruby Wiley
Assistant Secretary - Thelma Downs
Treasurer - Elvira McWilliams
Assistant Treasurer - Bernice Kirkpatrick
Publicity - Connie McDaniel and Jane Jones
Membership - Kathryn Brantley and Sylvia Allen