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1. The regular meeting will be held the first Thursday of each month at the Officers' Club. The day for the regular meeting is subject to change.

2. The meeting shall be held at 2:30 P.M. All members shall be in attendance and they shall be on time. The time is subject to change.

3. The dues of this club for regular members shall be two dollars per month and for associate members they shall be fifty cents per meeting attended.

4. A member absent from a regular meeting shall pay her dues to the Treasurer before the 20th day of the month. After this date she becomes unfinancial. All members shall be financial at all times.

5. Except for legitimate reasons, members absent from more than one regular meeting shall be automatically dropped. An excuse for absence shall be submitted to the Secretary or Assistant Secretary before the regular meeting is held. On being reinstated, all back dues shall be paid.

6. All members who are to be absent from the club for legitimate reasons for a period exceeding two months will be required to send a letter to the Secretary requesting leave of absence.

7. A member withdrawing from the club shall state her reason in writing to the Secretary.

8. Election of new officers and committee chairman shall take place at the regular meeting in December. Newly elected officers shall assume their duties in January. All officers shall be elected by the membership.