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The Lockbourne Bridge Club was started in September by Lt. Francis Collier. The purpose of the Club is to help the members to learn to play better bridge and to participate in the activities of the American Bridge Association.

The club is open for membership to all officers and their families who wish to learn to play bridge. Meetings are held every Thursday night at seven o'clock in the Officers' Club. A board of Directors consisting of Lt. Francis Collier, president;  Mrs. B.O. Davis Jr. vice president; and Lt. Marion Mann secretary-treasurer, formulate the plans for the organization.

Members of the Bridge Club may become affiliated with the National Bridge Association, whose membership entitles them to play in all Duplicate Bridge Tournaments held by any bridge club associated with the ABA in the United States. The National Tournament will be held in Los Angeles this summer.

New members are always welcome whether they play bridge or not. Each meeting begins with a half hour instruction followed by supervised playing for the remainder of the evening. Dues are one dollar per month in the local club and two dollars per year in the ABA.



Hospital facilities are available to families of military personnel. The clinic schedule is as follows:
OB & GYN  Tues & Thurs  0900  Ward 6
Female Medical  Tues  1000  Ward 6
Female Surgical & Orthopedic  Ward 2
Wed 1000



Mrs. Lucille Toppins, wife of the late Captain Edward Toppins, has been made an honorary member of the O.W.L. Club by unanimous vote in the January club meeting. Mrs. Toppins will make her home here in Columbus while attending Ohio State University.
[[image- hand drawn abstract, may be owl eyes]]


When Infantile Paralysis does strike it doesn't always kill - but, sometimes worse than that it cripples a child for life. But we can not let it cripple the hope and faith in the hearts of many stricken children. The hope that somebody will help them walk again. The faith that science will find a way to free childhood of one of its worst and most terrifying enemies.

Your contributions keep that hope and faith alive. Your dimes help them walk again. Your dimes help the men and women of science defeat Infantile Paralysis so that the boys and girls of the future will have a future.

We joined the March of Dimes with Lockbourne Army Air Base contributing $842.39 as of this date.


(continued from page 1]])

Although there are no laundry facilities available at present officials at the base are anticipating a laundry, consisting of two or three units, for the use of all families.

The reconversion program was begun in August. The originally planned 100 units are expected to be completed by the 15th of February. The additional 10 are expected to be completed by the 15th of April.

This budding Lockbourne Community hopes to be in full bloom by spring.


If the contents of your purse and dresser drawers are jumbled watch the events in your life, for they too will be jumbled.


[[image- hand drawn abstract owl]]


Transcription Notes:
This page has 2 columns of text. The 2nd (right hand) column of text begins with the "POLIO" text.