Viewing page 42 of 309

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[[preprinted]] Class Autographs [[/preprinted]]

[[written in top left corner]] ^ Geneva C.

^ Dearest Auntie:
"I wish you wealth 
I wish you health
I wish you happiness in store
I wish you sweet heaven
after death
How could I wish you more?"
Lovingly your niece,
Geneva P. Crounds.
Tyler, Texas P.O. Bx 55
write sometime

[[horizontal line]]

[[written in top left corner]]^ F. Arnold

^ Dear Bobbie!-
An old friendship is like an old piece of china. It is precious only just so long as it is perfect. Once it is broken, no matter how cleverly you mend it, it is good for nothing but to put on a shelf in a corner where it wont be too closely looked at.
Lovingly your classmate.
Frank Arnold Jr,
P.O. Box 242,
Manor, Texas

[[written diagonally]] ^write this summer
will be glad to hear from you.

[[preprinted]] 41 [[/preprinted]]

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