Viewing page 46 of 309

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[[preprinted]] Class Autographs [[/preprinted]]

[[written in upper left corner]] ^ Irene Boozer

^ Dearest Marjorie:
May your life be as the four fundamentals in arithmetic-
your friends added, your enemies substracted [sic], your joys multiplied, and your sorrows divided. 
Irene Boozer
Box 227, Corsicana, Texas

[[left side]] ^ Be sure to write [[write is underlined]]

[[horizontal line]]

[[written in upper left corner]] ^ M. Blocker

^ Dear Marjorie;
Merit cannot be denied
Trampled down or turned aside;
Foes may hinder and delay,
Placing barriers in its way,
But like every running stream
Merit always is supreme.
Lovingly your classmates
Nona Mae Blocker
1102 East Collins Street
Corsicana, Texas

 [[preprinted]] 45 [[/preprinted]]

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