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[[top left]] ^ All that I am and all that I hope to be [[underlined]] I owe it to my "Mother" [[/underlined]]

[[attached label with typed text]] Mother

[[attached piece of newspaper with typed text]]
Hundreds of stars in the pretty sky,
Hundreds of shells on the shore together;
Hundreds of birds that go singing by-
Hundreds of birds in the sunny weather.
Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn;
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover;
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn;
Only one mother the wide world over.

[[attached piece of newspaper with typed text]]
[[horizontal line]]

Today, in wistful memory
I live in the hours long gone before--
A babe again on mother's knee,
A romping child at play once more.

As passing years, in happy turn
Brought knowledge to untutored mind,
Ambition with its spark did burn,
And childhood scenes endured behind.

Yet, ever, when rose doubt or fear,
Though moments into years had flown,
In anxious presence you seemed near,
Your spirit left me not alone.

The world that set me for a goal
Marked out the course I should pursue;
If I've achieved, my thankful soul
Unveils its gratitude to you.

Tonight, when work's dull stroke is through,
I'll kneel and pray with hope divine,
To be as good as God made you,
And live like you, dear mother, mine.

[[preprinted]] 60 [[/preprinted]]

[[end page]]