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[[pamphlet inside of scrapbook]]

be ordered sent about half an hour after the time set for meeting at the home of the bride; at the same time a large box is delivered containing such pantry supplies as canned vegetables and fruits, jellies, jams, pickles, various kinds of sugar, salt, flour, dried peas, beans, etc. Each gift is wrapped with an appropriate verse or decorated with hearts and cupids. The box bears a large label with the following words:

Hail! Hail! the gang's all here,
With pantry stocks for half a year;
And wishes good to the bride and groom,
May they think of us when they hear this tune--
Hail! Hail! the gang's all here.

MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER FOR ENGAGED COUPLE: Married friends of an affianced couple had a delightful double miscellaneous shower for them. The man invited friends of the groom-to-be, and his wife invited friends of the bride-to-be. Friends of the couple were invited to arrive an hour earlier than the time set for the affianced pair, the latter believing they were to spend a quiet evening with their friends playing cards. The guests having arrived ahead of them, were hiding in the dark dining room when on the pretext of playing cards on the dining room table, the couple were ushered into the room, the crowd singing "Here comes the Bride, Here comes the Groom." A large wedding bell suspended from the dining room light was filled with small gifts. The bottom of the bell, made of stiff cardboard, was fastened with slip bows, the ends of which extended to either end of the table, where the prospective bride and groom were placed. The hostess took her place at the foot of the table and stood there with the bride-to-be, while the host stood at the head of the table with the groom-to-be. At a given signal each pulled the ribbon and their places in the bottom of the bell dropped, showering the gifts to the table.

After the gifts had been opened and the messages read, they were placed on the buffet (the cards being attached to them) and refreshments were served to the guests who stood about the table. The evening was delightfully spent in dancing, playing cards and other games.

The groom received such useful gifts as ties, socks, handkerchiefs, tools to be used about the house, collar buttons, studs, cuff links, eversharp pencil, pen, desk and smoker's supplies. The bride-to-be received articles both personal and for her house. The color scheme used was red and gold, the bell made of gold paper and read heart shaped favors, place cards and candle shades were used.

MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER FOR BRIDE: A bride-to-be invited to attend a "Five Hundred" card party was pleasantly surprised with a miscellaneous shower as follows:

Wrapped gifts were concealed all over the house; in the piano, under chairs, in bookcases and closets, bureau drawers, kitchen cabinet, etc. At the finish of the afternoon game the hostess placed a little toy bride and groom at the bride-to-be's place. A little note attached to them read: "Dear Bride-to-be: We are about to start on a honeymoon on the silver line, won't you come with us? Just follow the line and see all the strange places to which we will take you.
Sincerely and affectionately,
Your friends
(here the guests all signed their names)

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SILVER SHOWER: A bride who was acquiring table silver by the piece was delightfully surprised with a silver shower.

A girlhood chum invited 30 friends who each put a dollar in the silver fund. After ascertaining the pattern and pieces most needed, the chum purchased half a dozen tea and dessert spoons. These were wrapped with a "happiness" card bearing the signatures of the guests.

The bride who was invited to spend the afternoon arrived later than the others. As she came through the door, the hostess pulled a cord attached to a bag (which had been fastened above the door-way) and showered the bride with silver rice and confetti. (The rice had been painted silver by mixing it with silver paint in a shallow tin pan and drying it quickly.) Immediately after that the package containing the silver was presented with a little speech. Heart shaped cookies and fruit punch was served. Silver heart favors and place cards were used to decorate the table.


SHOWERS FOR INVALID CHILDREN: The child's mother should be consulted about the convenience of the time for giving the shower. The friends arrive, at a chosen hour, bringing such gifts as help to pass away the long hours of convalescence.

A delightful way of presenting such gifts is to have a large "after breakfast" box containing a package for each day of the week. A large notice on the box announces that a package is to be opened daily, after breakfast. Another pleasing way of presenting small gifts is to send them by mail. Twelve of the friends should be elected to write newsy accounts of what happened at home, at play and in school and two letters mailed each day for a week.

SHOWERS FOR ADULT INVALIDS: The shower should be given as soon as it is learned that the invalid may safely see friends. Immediately after a serious illness, when the patient no longer feels very ill but is not well enough to resume the usualy [sic] daily routine, is the most trying period. Books, fruit, and flowers are appropriate, as well as home canned jars of fruit and jellies or fruit juices.

An adult who had been convalescent in a hospital for weeks confided that much pleasure was obtained in making cardboard furniture and puzzles for children in the open wards. His wife had brought him books containing furniture all ready to cut and paste. The puzzles were made by painting white cardboard in various designs and cutting them in the most confusing manner possible so as to make it more or less difficult for the children to piece them together properly.

Later they passed on the idea to a woman patient who was delighted with the pleasing pastime it afforded. She also dressed the number of small dolls which were also distributed to children in the wards.

stork showers should be given before the prospective mother has prepared the layette, to save unnecessary duplication.

The hostess invites the prospective mother to spend the afternoon with her to sew. It is arranged that the guest of honor arrives about an hour later than the others. When she arrives she finds everyone engaged in sewing. In the meantime the gifts have been 

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