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tions the nurse must be intelligent in her work so that she may know when massage is indicated and when it is contra-indicated. 

301. Psychiatry. 
On account of the intimate connection between mental and physical disorders a review of the mechanism of the nervous system is given.  The nurse is instructed to note habits of thought and action and to endeavor  to change them into the proper channel by the power of pursuasion [sic] and suggesion [sic].  This work is begun in the care of children and is continued in the care of adults. 

302. Public Health Nursing. 
An effort is made to acquaint the pupil nurse with those phases of hygiene which will qualify her for the work of school nurse, factory nurse, dispensary work, the work in milk stations, and work for insurance companies. 

301. Occupational Therapy. 
The object here is to acquaint the nurse with the outstanding features o fthe particular disease that she may intelligently care for the patient, to help her to appreciate the social and economical significance, and to secure her interest and cooperation in removing the causes which produced the diseases. 

302. Emergency Nursing. 
The object of this course is to give the nurse the opportunity to proves her resourcefulness and adaptability in the matter of improvising ways and means of securing results in an emergency when hospital facility are not at hand and when she is thrown on her own responsibility. 

302. Modern Social Conditions. 
Poverty, Philanthropy, crime, delinquency, education, recreation, social hygiene, alcohol, drugs, immigration, methods of relief and prevention are the subjects which are discussed in 
this course. 

302. Professional Problems. 
Social and civic status of nurse, professional ethics, nursing economics, legal problems, nursing education, nursing legislation, nursing organizations and publications are the subjects of this course. 

302. Infant Feeding. 
Milk Modification, feeding in the second year, diet of school children, and the feeding of sick children are taken up in detail. Text: Hess, McCombs, Griffith, Holt.  

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